Primary Care Occupational Therapy Service Information
Primary Care Occupational Therapy is a new service based in GP surgeries across Lanarkshire. The information below will help you to identify if an assessment from a member of our Primary Care Occupational Therapy team might be helpful.
Occupational Therapists can help you when changes to your physical and mental health start to affect the activities or “occupations” which are important to you in your daily life. Some of the common issues we can help with are listed below.
Your Occupational Therapist will work with you to explore the difficulties you are experiencing in your daily routine and set realistic goals with you. Working together we can offer you practical support, education and advice to help you manage your health and do the activities that you need or want to do.
We can offer support to anyone aged 16 years or over who is registered with a GP practice in Lanarkshire with the exception of:
- Young people who are still attending school.
- People already receiving Occupational Therapy input from another service within the community. This includes services such as Social Work, Community Mental Health teams, Community Rehab teams.
If you think Occupational Therapy would be helpful to address any difficulties you are starting to experience, please download an information leaflet with form (PDF, 323KB) and fill it in. Or telephone our Primary Care Occupational Therapy Team on 01698 755 175 to arrange a discussion with a member of our team.
For more information watch an animation here.